The etymology of Zhou(周): There are evidences that boat(舟, bae by Korean) has been used since prehistoric era . According to the Shiji, they made a floating bridge with boats (造舟為梁). They used animal skin to make a boat . They also used Bak(瓠; hù hú huò gū, Bak/박 by Korean. Boat and Bak derived from opposite phenomena of darkness. Wu the great used boat(舟) and a sledge (橇) to travel around swamp to control the epic flood . Northern…..
Beginning of the Mid antiquity: History of Manchuria is in the names. Hae Mo-su (解慕漱) established Northern Buyeo in the southern Manchuria . Hae Mo (解慕) is PSMCs of Gae-ma (蓋馬: 蓋; gài gě hé音合; hé gě). Su(漱) meant a person ran away leader (澣) who settled in the (醫巫閭山, 鮮卑山, 黑[hēi] hēi hè/흐어/해山, 富山) nearby the Old Capital(舊都, 骨都, 訖升骨城). The King Bi丕 was killed in the Old Capital in the west of Liao River. Wie Man (魏滿) came…..
Another mystery unveiled !!. 三國志 魏書三十 烏丸傳:魏畧曰:十三年 秋八月,魏幽州刺史●丘儉,與樂浪大守太守劉茂、朔方帶方大守太守王遵弓遵,伐高句麗,王乘虛,遣左將眞忠,襲取樂浪邊民,茂聞之怒,王恐見侵討,還其民口. 二十二年,秋九月,出師侵新羅,與羅兵戰於槐谷西,敗之. 고려사: 李資義等還自宋奏云: “帝聞我國書籍多好本命館伴書所求書目錄授之乃曰 鍾會老子二卷 孝緖七錄孫盛晉陽秋三十三卷孫盛魏氏春秋二十卷*於寶干寶晉記二十二卷十六國春秋一百二卷魏澹後魏書一百卷魚 魏略劉 梁典三十卷吳均齊春秋三十卷元行. Guanqiu Jian(毌丘儉) invasion of Goguryeo in 244-245: Guanqiu Jian (毌丘儉: d 255) was a military Cao Wei general, invaded Goguryeo, participated to defeat Gongsun Yuan (公孫淵 , ?-238) with Sima Yi, but punished to death afterward. He invaded Goguryeo in 244 and destroyed that Goguryeo capital 國內城. Leaders of Sukshin (肅慎) village helped him. After his death, Sukshin (肅慎) village felt threatened by Goguryeo asked Cao Wei…..
How to read the Cao Wei general 毌丘儉: Kangxi dictionary has a lengthy discussion about the pronunciation and meanings of logogram “毌” with many other logograms . It is not clear which logogram refers the meaning or phonetics. (說文解字) has that logogram read as Kwan “冠, 貫” meaning crown. Oracle bone script (甲骨文) and bronze script (金文) appears to be a jewel on the crown. Yet, other dictionaries and scriptures read it differently. Scholars had been debating about the etymology……
제가 삼국지에 실린 襄平을 잘못 풀이했군요 수정 합니다. 漢書 隋書 新舊唐書 通典에 실린 襄平이 모두 史記에 실린 襄平. 삼국지에 실린 襄平 또한 발해만 서남쪽 옛 대방 땅이라 한 곳이다. 진수가 요수(遼隧)라 한 곳을 후한서와 삼국사기에는 요대(遼隊)라고 했다. 발해만 서쪽 연안이였다. 삼국지 공손연 토벌작전에 나오는 둔요수(屯遼隧)란 문구는 고 풀이 함이 옳다. 공손연은 그의 고향 襄平에서 238년에 잡혔다. 고구려 동명 행사에 나타난 수신(隧神)과는 무관한 글자다. 襄平이란 지명은 요하 동쪽에는 없었다. 通典 邊防十序略: 燕亦築長城,自造陽至襄平,造陽,在今媯川郡之北。襄平即遼東所理,今安東府。置上谷、今上谷、范陽、文安、河閒、媯川等郡。漁陽、今漁陽、密雲郡。右北平、今北平郡。遼西、遼東郡以距胡。 水經注 卷十四 大遼水: 遼水亦言出砥石山,自塞外東流,直遼東之望平縣西,王莽之長說也。屈而西南流,逕襄平縣故城西,秦始皇二十二年,滅燕置遼東郡,治此。漢高帝八年,封紀通為侯國,王莽之昌平也,故平州治。又南逕遼隊縣故城西,王莽更名之曰順睦也。公孫淵遣將軍畢衍拒司馬懿于遼隊,即是處也 三國史記 高句麗本紀第三: 太祖大王 六十九年. 漢幽州刺史馮煥、玄●大守姚光、遼東太守蔡諷蔡風等,將兵來侵,擊殺穢貊渠帥,盡獲兵馬財物。王乃遣弟遂成,領兵二千餘人,逆煥、光等。遂成遣使詐降,煥等信之.夏四月,王與鮮卑八千人,往攻遼隊縣遼隧縣。遼東太守蔡諷蔡風,將兵出於新昌,戰沒。功兵曹●龍端、兵馬●公孫●,以身●諷,俱沒歿於陣,死者百餘人。冬十月,王幸扶餘,杞祀大后太后廟。存問百姓窮困者,賜物有差
Etymology of Three Hahn: Chen Shou left the phrase “有三種”, which means Three kinds of Hahn, named “馬韓,辰韓,弁韓”, and made a section of Byeon-Jin(弁辰傳). Though the names “馬韓,辰韓” being used without any disputes, “弁韓” had been recorded as “弁韓, 示韓” in Chinese , but Korean used only “卞韓” through history. The adjective logograms “弁, 示, 卞” had been used in China for long time. The true meaning of “卞” is in the Jiaoshi Yilin (焦氏易林). He was righteous person punished…..
패친 여러분 새해에 복 많이 받으시기 바랍니다. 아울러 단군왕검이 실존 인물이란 또다른 단서를 알려 드립니다. 깊히 생각해 보여주시기 바랍니다. 백익이 사제권을 위임 받았다는 증거: 상서에 “舜讓于德,弗嗣”란 문구를 사마천은 자서전서에 오제본기를 작성한 연유라 했다. 여러 사료를 종합해 보면, 북쪽에서 내려온 비인무태 (北人無擇)를 사마천은 “不懌.不台”란 문구로 남겼다. 상서에 “舜讓于德,弗嗣”란 문구를 사마천은 자서전서에 오제본기를 작성한 연유라 했다. 여러 사료를 종합해 보면, 북쪽에서 내려온 비인무태 (北人無擇)를 사마천은 “不懌.不台”란 문구로 남겼다. 음이 와전 되어 고죽군(孤竹君)을 묵태(墨胎, 牟臺)씨라 한다. 그를 융우(禹)가 사사 했다. 간략한 원문: 尚書…..