箕子가 갔던 조선은 산서성에 있었다: 기원전 1046년에 목야전에 패한 [상나라의 제상 기자가 조선에 갔다]는 기록이 여러 곳에 있다. 당시 과연 [箕子가 어떻게 한반도 조선땅에 왔나]하는 의문이 생긴다. 의문을 풀어줄수 있는 사료가 사마천의 사기에 실려 있다. 그 징검다리 하나가 한국에는 잘 알려 지지 않은 상용(商容)이란 사람이다. 태사령 사마담(司馬談: c. 165 BC – 110 BC)은 태산에서 거행된 무제의 봉선 의식에 참석하지 못하게 한 것을 분하게 여기다가 병이 나서 죽었다. 죽을 때 아들 사마천에게 생전부터 편찬하던 역사서의 편찬을 완료해 줄 것을 부탁한다 ……
군무예덕(君無穢德)이 망국의 원인: 유향의 신서(新序 雜事四)에 실린 내용이 왕충의 논형변허(論衡變虛)에도 실렸다. 그들이 인용한 시경문구 “夏后及商用亂之故,民卒流亡”는 현존하는 시경에는 보이지 않는다. 하나라와 상나라의 말기에 고난(苦難)을 격던 이유는 지도자가 군무예덕(君無穢德)라 했다 . 예덕이란 더러운 덕이라 풀이 할수 없다. 예맥족의 지도자와 같은 현명한 군주가 배풀었던 덕치를 뜻했다. 상용(商用)은 기자 이전에 제신의 수상이었다.
삼국유사에 나타난 고조선의 천도: 금미달 (今彌達)은 어디였나. 오제본기와 상서에 나타난 우리양곡(嵎夷 暘谷)이 첫 아사달 (阿斯達)이다. 그 곳에서 분수를 따라 내려와 치수사업을 성공하고 통치권을 인수 받아 왕중왕이 된 동이 수령 백익이 해지연안, 즉 오늘의 운성시에 수도 평양성(平壤城)에서 朝鮮을 선포 했다 . 이를 고조선 즉 왕검 조선(古朝鮮王儉朝鮮)이라 했다 불만을 품은 융우의 추종자들이 단군왕검 백익을 살해 했다. 지도자를 잃고 북쪽으로 다시 올라가 분수 유역, 오늘의 임분시(臨汾市)에 있던 첫 수도 아사달에 수도를 정했다. 백익을 죽였던 사건이 산해경등 여러 기록에 은밀하게 남아 있다. 최씨역림에도 실려…..
The author intended to use all the Material and Method for the study of all liberal arts and sciences. Locals in the YRVC spoke Tungusic language and were recorded under PLCs and PSMCs. That was the dividing point from oral to written history. Later historian manipulated the text. Logograms had been evolved through the history. The most valuable resources of information is in the ancient scriptures. It was engraved by the Hahn-Yae(韓穢字) people under the leader caged in(樊侯) who were…..
The birthplace of Ancient Korea(古朝鮮)-Discussion-7 Main text-7: Yemaek(濊貊, 穢貉) people had built an unique culture in the Northeast Asia. They spread out from Inner Mongolia northern China plain and to the southern Manchuria. The Hongshan culture (simplified Chinese: 红山文化; traditional Chinese: 紅山文化; pinyin: Hóngshān wénhuà) was a Neolithic culture in the Liao river basin. Hongshan sites have been found They used the Knife money, built unique burial culture. Their mythology were shared with central Asia, south Asia and Eastern Mediterranean…..
The birthplace of Ancient Korea(古朝鮮)-Discussion-6: How Western Zhou achieved Glory in a short time period? No one has come up with reasonable explanation. It is obvious as seen in the earliest Engraving (利簋) unearthed . The place where Gija(箕子) and Shang-yong (商容) went into at the end of Shang dynasty did have far advanced culture than Yinxu (殷墟), literally the ruin of Shang capital . The new comer utilized “the skill and know how” of Locals. The glory of Old…..
The birthplace of Ancient Korea(古朝鮮)-Discussion-5 Main text-5: Mother of Classic Characters (繁體字) from the Western Zhou: Sima Qian had read all the record since dawn of YRVC, mentioned the existence of Wu chronicle (禹本紀), and revealed the contents as unfit to the fact presented by the western expeditioner . Those records were before the era of Oracle bone scripts. Many scriptures have that “閼伯” settled in the east and “實沉” to the west of Hangu-pass . They had started to…..
The birthplace of Ancient Korea(古朝鮮)-Discussion-4 Main text-4 Geographic location of Old Joseon capitals: Though Samguk Yusa revealed the legendary story of Old Joseon and named several capitals, the geographic location and sequence of capital change isn’t clear. Since the Old Joseon territory related with the Xia, Shang, and Western Zhou dynasties, the sequence of capital relocation is associated with Rise and Falls of those dynasties . Following is a brief summary of the Old Joseon capital relocation till the Warring…..
The birthplace of Ancient Korea(古朝鮮)-Discussion-3 Main text-3: Many tribal states spoke different languages and dialects: Evidences are in the Logogram, Syntax and Lexicology. First one is in the logogram itself: It is originated from the scholar who left the scriptures. Therefore, it is embedded in their design as in the phrases “誤字, 訛傳”, which means “typo, unfounded rumor” are still in use. Logogram Wu (誤: 言,吳=吴. 口,天) is a compound character of speech and the word from the sky. Phonetic…..
The birthplace of Ancient Korea(古朝鮮)-Discussion-2 Presentation of pertinent evidences. Main text-2 Logic is the tool to settle any disputes: It is well established in the western culture and implied to every sects of sciences including the law, but not in the Chinese culture. One unique aspect of Chinese logics is the failure of nomenclature. The failure of nomenclature is apparent as seen in the White Horse Discourse (白馬論) which was interpreted in the “https://ctext.org” by Donald Sturgeon. Gong-sun Long (公孫龍:…..