왜인전에 나오는 친위왜왕비미호(親魏倭王卑彌呼)를 공손연과 같은 씨족이라고 진서에 적혔다.
The clear evidence is in the Book of Jin:
The Queen Bimiho was the Gongson clan destroyed by Zhongda Sama Yi (仲達 司馬懿:179 -251.宣帝) in the Citadel of Yangpyong, sent delegates to the Daifang (帶方) , and met the commanding general of Cao Wei. His son, Sima Zhao (文帝; 司馬昭:211- 265) appointed them as ministers. They kept sending delegates to the western Jin court .
晉書:漢末,倭人亂,攻伐不定,乃立女子為王,名曰卑彌呼. 宣帝之平公孫氏也,其女王遣使至帶方朝見,其後貢聘不絕。及文帝作相,又數至。泰始初,遣使重譯入貢.
Retired physician from GWU and Georgetown University in 2010 2011: First Book in Korean "뿌리를 찾아서, Searching for the Root" 2013: Ancient History of the Manchuria. Redefining the Past. 2015: Ancient History of Korea. Mystery Unveiled.