The birthplace of Ancient Korea(古朝鮮)-Discussion-1.
Presentation and Discussion-1:
Once the fact being confirmed general perception will be changed. Main objective of this article is the facts finding, that is the backbone of history. Fact finding is the domain of forensic science, research scientists, and the physician alike who utilize every possible means.
Material and Method:
A. Research material: Attempts were made to scan all the records found through the and other digital libraries such as Baidu of China. Also limited number of Korean historiographies were included as references. Pronunciation of logograms were based upon “康熙字典, 漢典”, and Daum dictionary of Korea.
Romanization is the window to project the ancient history of NEA to the western world. They have to understand the way of ancient scriptures being generated under the Liùshū. They didn’t have tense, concepts of grammar, but only lined up compound logograms with PLCs and PSMCs. Very often, same logogram does have few different meanings and pronunciation. Same phenomenon had been described with different characters and meanings without a set of rules as well.
Another important matter is the nature of human being. They move around. Newcomers occupied the original birth place of the YRVC, where the Tungusic language spoken people used to live. The new comer generated ancient scriptures with the knowledge and skill of the local people. Lots of names have a strong connection with the Korean history. Hence, Korean way of pronunciation is used on those names by the Hangul Romanization.
B. Method: Followings are summary of the proposed methodology.
The interpretation of recorded history relies on the way of study, the set of techniques, and established guidelines. Historians use primary sources and other evidences of events which had been taken place in the past specific time and place. It is known that the geographic terrain had been changed since the beginning of written history. Yet, certain natural events had been progressing slowly over long time period. Those events couldn’t be recognized in a short period of human life span. Hence, couldn’t be recorded, but revealed through the archeological excavation. It is equivalent to the rapid vs slow progressing health deterioration. As smoking was a social norm, Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (COPD) was very common. They considered it as a natural phenomenon of aging. Historically, all of slowly progressing heath deterioration was considered as a natural phenomenon. Now we know the culprits.
Connecting the scattered pieces of puzzle to draw the bridge from the past to the current location is essential to revive the lost history of Old Joseon. The epic flood is well documented. But costal erosion or raising sea level were not.
Another aspect is the record itself. There could be myriad of evidences not being recorded in the scriptures far more than the recorded ones. Later historians transplanted the recorded event to the previously unknown newly discovered territory. So hence, the size and location of original Nine Provinces should be considered to confirm the birth place of Old Joseon. For those reason, it is unavoidable to rely on some degree of speculation under reasonable assumption.
Reasonable assumption is taboo for the scientist. Yet, Reasonable assumption is essential for the study of social sciences. It is equivalent to Hypotheses for the research scientist, and Rationalism in the subject of Epistemology. Assumption is equivalent to the planning for the fishing expedition, or to formulating strategies.
Modern technology provides convincing evidence for the fishermen to catch the fish by learning the life cycle and behavior of specific fish in interest and set the traps to catch. Those concepts are all been included as an analogy of wide-angle panoramic motion picture and search by utilizing every possible means.
December 14, 2019
Retired physician from GWU and Georgetown University in 2010 2011: First Book in Korean "뿌리를 찾아서, Searching for the Root" 2013: Ancient History of the Manchuria. Redefining the Past. 2015: Ancient History of Korea. Mystery Unveiled.